WARNING: This fictional work involves doll fantasy reenactments and includes taboo elements, including D/s, bondage, nipple torture, and discussions of sex work and bestiality. Please stay safe, know your rights when you practice BDSM, and consult your local laws regarding these taboos.
It’s not uncomfortable, Chrissy thinks. The blindfold makes his other senses perk up. He can feel the soft, cool breeze of the air-con tingle his hard nipples. He can smell the vegan sushi on his body, soft rice sticking to his bare skin. He sucks on the rose ball gag, trying to get his saliva under control. Except for the shamisen music from the sound system, everything is quiet. He even almost no longer feels the butt plug.

Hiro, Takeshi’s dad and his former employer at Femboys Hooters, asked him to be a nude sushi model for a little get-together to celebrate a successful fundraising slash early Christmas dinner for his associates.

“Why not ask Sven,” Chrissy said. “Sven’s your boyfriend, and an actual model.”
“That’s the thing,” Hiro said. “He’s my boyfriend and unlike Matt, I don’t feel comfortable letting men see my boyfriend naked, let alone eat off of him. Plus, you can’t say no to some cash.”

Chrissy’s kind of glad he took the job. It’s practically already December. The guys are doing a Secret Santa thing and he could use the extra cash. Well, it’s technically not a Secret Santa since everyone will chip in a specified amount but it’s the responsibility of the Secret Santa to come up with the gift. It’s Takeshi’s idea so it is a bit convoluted.

There are caveats, of course. Like, since everyone will open his present in front of everyone, it can’t be overtly sexual or embarrassing. Wade groaned when Takeshi told them that, but Chrissy breathed a sigh of relief. What if Wade is his Secret Santa? There are some aspects of his relationship with Wade (and Matt) that Chrissy wants to keep away from Takeshi and Manuel. It’s already bad enough that Gar knows.

When they drew the ballot, Chrissy got Manuel and right then and there he knew exactly what he wanted to gift his bestie.
His mind wandered to the Halloween party they all went to. He was glad they went. The cheap trick Aubrey pulled actually strengthened Matt and Chrissy’s relationship. And it looks like Aubrey’s left Wade’s ranch.
Chrissy feels sorry for Aubrey and hopes Aubrey will finally find peace with his boyfriend.

Chrissy’s thinking about the Halloween party when he hears laughter.
“Tanaka-san!” A booming voice fills the room. Chrissy winces at the loudness.
“Makoa! Welcome, welcome. These your guys?” Hiro says.
“Yep. This is Craig McConnell, the director of activities at my Tahiti property.”
“Pleasure, Mr. Tanaka,” Chrissy hears Craig’s deep voice. It sounds pretty dreamy.
“Just Hiro, please.”
“And this is Ahmed Tariq, our marine vet specialist.”

“Marine vet?”
“Veterinarian for marine life. I helped Makoa set up the Cetacean sanctuary back in Hawaii.” Chrissy can hear a slight accent in Ahmed’s voice but he can’t really place it.
“Ah!” Hiro says. “Amazing place. Great job. And you’ll be the one responsible for this new one in Tahiti, yes?”
“Yes, Sir. And I’d very much like to thank you for helping us with the fundraising. We still can’t believe we hit the goal so soon.”
“Makoa gave me such nonsense when he wanted to refuse my offer. He’s a proud man but I’m prouder.”
“Sir, Mr. Ridgeway is here,” another voice says. That’s gotta be the waiter.
“Dennis!” Hiro calls out. “Welcome!”

Chrissy can’t help but overhear the conversation. Craig retired from the Navy some years ago and now enjoys underwater photos and videos. He was born and raised in Malibu and he’ll be staying in LA till the end of October.
“Here’s the man of the hour!” Chrissy’s still getting used to Makoa’s booming voice.
“Hiro-san, Makoa. So good to see you again.”

There’s a lilt in Dennis’ voice and Chrissy can tell this new man is in a jovial mood. Makoa introduces Craig and Ahmed to Dennis. For a minute or two, the five men exchange pleasantries. Chrissy learns Dennis Ridgeway is a real-estate developer based in Santa Monica. It was mostly through Dennis’s connection that they were able to raise an insane amount of money for the new Cetacean Center in Tahiti.
“We should do another fundraising,” a man says. It takes a while for Chrissy to remember it’s Dennis’s voice.
“That’s a great idea,” Chrissy hears Hiro say. “Come on, Makoa.”
Makoa lets out a deep chuckle. “We should. Silent auctions, maybe free stays at some of my properties?”

“Ooh, I bet I can get Delta to comp the flights,” Dennis chimes in.
“Now that that’s settled, is anyone hungry? Dennis?”
“Good. Now if you gents would follow my good man Akito through the curtain.”
Chrissy braces himself. He hears footsteps on the tatami mat and a chorus of oohs and aahs.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Chrissy hears Makoa’s familiar voice.
“Oh, just some vegan sushi spread,” Hiro says. Chrissy can hear a smile in his voice.
“It’s not so much the spread as what’s it’s spread on.”
“Would love to spread that if you know what I mean.”
“What’s in his mouth? Is he gagged?”

“Look at those nips.”
“Cute little dick. Is it cold or it’s just the size?”
Chrissy can’t tell who’s saying what. Everyone seems to be talking at the same time and at a whispery level.

“Gentlemen, I’m happy you’ve taken an interest in my table. That’s a rosebud gag and yes, Chrissy here has such a cute, tiny cock. I promise you’ll see more later. In the meantime, let’s dig in.”

The conversation seems to flow. Everyone seems to be talking at the same time and having a good time. He recognizes Hiro’s voice and uses it as the anchor. From time to time, Akito the waiter comes around, offering to replenish the glass of sake or matcha. Then there’s Makoa’s booming voice, Craig’s deep and sexy baritone, Ahmed’s slight accent, and Dennis’s distinct lilt.

At one point, The mood turns somber when Dennis brings up the devastating fires in Hawaii. Chrissy can hear the sadness in Makoa’s voice when he tells the other men how some of his employees lost their loved ones and houses but he’s grateful that his own family’s safe.

He then learns Ahmed was originally from Egypt and immigrated to the US ten years ago when he was eighteen. He successfully petitioned for asylum for being gay and has since worked for Makoa after completing his PhD in Marine Biology.

“That was superb, Tanaka-san,” Makoa says. “Best vegan sushi I’ve tasted yet.”
The other men voice their agreement.
“But we were promised some after-dinner entertainment?” Ahmed says.
“Ah, young men, always want to rush in,” Dennis chuckles. “Not that I’m complaining.”
Chrissy can hear the men laugh.
“Here, Ahmed, try smearing this on his nipple,” Hiro says.
Chrissy tenses up. Hiro knows his nipples are very sensitive. He loved teasing them when they had sex years and years ago. But what does Hiro mean? Smear what?
He can feel the side of a chopstick brush against his left nipple. His heart beats faster. As soon as his nipple starts to tingle, he realizes what it is.

Chrissy moans and the men laugh.

“Craig, want to do his other one?” Chrissy hears Hiro’s voice, offering his body to the retired Navy officer.
“Pardon my French, but fuck yeah, Sir!”
Chrissy can feel someone pinch his right nipple and a wad of wasabi being applied. The extra tenderness makes the wasabi burn even worse. Chrissy can’t help but squirm. The ball gag muffles his moans.

“Aw, lookit that! His dick’s hard!”
“It is tiny!”
“I like it. It’s cute. Travel size.”

Chrissy can no longer keep up with who’s saying what. Everyone’s laughing and talking. His mind’s gone wild. It’s like someone’s pinching and biting and blowing hot and cold air on his nipples.
He can feel hands on his thighs, spreading them apart.

“Fuck, this slut’s come prepared. Wait, can we say slut?”
Is that Ahmed?
“You can call him anything you want, kid. Right, Hiro?”
That’s… That’s gotta be Makoa. No, wait, Makoa calls Hiro “Tanaka-san.” It must be Dennis.
“Absolutely. If anyone wants to pop out that butt plug, we can start stuffing him with something else.”
Somebody grabs the butt plug and starts pulling it out. Chrissy can feel the hilt starts to slide out. He tries to relax his cunt but the plug’s been there for at least an hour and his pussy’s already accustomed to the size.
“Almost there,” a voice says.
The butt plug pops out with a loud squelching sound. Chrissy lets out an equally loud moan. He can feel his face grow hot and red as the men laugh, but his tiny dick stays hard throughout the whole ordeal.

“Whoa, never seen this kind of plug before.”
Chrissy’s stomach sinks. He chose that one because the size is the most manageable.
“Looks like… A lipstick?”
“It’s a dog’s dick.”
“How do you know that?”
“Trust me. I’m a vet.”

“Oh, right!”
Chrissy can hear gasps followed by incredulous chuckles.
“Well, well… Looks like we’ve got ourselves a real kinky bitch.”
The men laugh but Chrissy starts to cry behind his blindfolds.
“Ah, here’s Akito with the toys. Gentlemen, if you please.”

That’s Hiro. Chrissy’s sure that’s Hiro.
“Dennis, you’re the guest of honor. Why don’t you start?”
“Don’t mind if I do,” Dennis says.
One hand slides under Chrissy’s back and pushes him off so he sits up. Two other hands force his legs to spread wider. He bites down on the ball gag and moans as he feels a little object invade his cunt. Chrissy thinks it’s a finger, but it stays motionless deep inside him. It doesn’t feel too bad.

He then feels another object being pushed inside him. Just like the first one, it stays inside.
“Ready, whore?” someone says.
Chrissy can only let out a muffled cry.
“Let’s just say that’s a ‘yes,'” the person says.
The two objects inside him begin to vibrate.
“Fuck, yes. Turn it all the way up!”
Chrissy squirms when the vibrations increase. He can feel the eggs hum and buzz inside him, hitting his prostate.

“My turn?” another person says.
“Go for it!”
This time Chrissy knows what’s being inserted into his cunt. It’s ben wa balls on a string. He squirms some more as the men laugh. The person inserting the balls clearly doesn’t care to take it slow. Chrissy feels the balls filling him up, taking space with the vibrating eggs.

“Think she can take another one?”
“Only one way to find out.”
Chrissy wants to protest. He wants to shake his head no, but his body betrays him. The two hands that have been holding his thighs spread them even more.

“Here it comes!”
Even the warning doesn’t prepare Chrissy as the object invades his cunt. In, and in, and in. It just keeps going. Chrissy squirms and moans, not knowing how long this object is.
“Almost there!”
“Fuck, yeah! She’s taking it like a champ!”
Chrissy can feel something hit his taint and balls and he knows what it is. It’s a rabbit massager. The bigger part now vibrates along the two vibrating eggs inside his cunt while the smaller branch is vibrating and massaging his balls.
Chrissy wants to cry. The sensation is almost overwhelming. He’s drooling uncontrollably. He can feel his saliva dripping down his chin.
“Should we plug her mouth with the dog dick?”

“Fuck yeah! Gag the fag!”
Chrissy can feel one pair of hands removing his ball gag but he doesn’t have too long to feel relieved as the butt plug is shoved into his mouth.
“Suck that clean, whore!”
“Fuckin’ nasty bitch!”

“Yeah! Look at her go!”
The men laugh and shout obscenities at Chrissy. Chrissy’s head jerks around, trying to figure out who’s saying what.
“Okay, guys. Final touch.”
There’s another buzzing sound. Some cool liquid is being poured on his dick. Is that lube? It feels like lube. It must be lube.
The combination of toys vibrating in his cunt and hitting his prostate, a butt plug in his mouth that tastes like lube and his ass juice, and a bunch of unseen strangers mocking and laughing at him, makes Chrissy explode almost as soon as the vibrating and humming object touches his tiny cock.

“Fuck! Look at that!”
“Bitch is squirting geyser over here.”

“Someone’s excited!”
Chrissy can feel his own cum land on his face and pecs and abs.

The hand that’s been supporting him slides away and Chrissy falls back.
“Leave it to Tanaka-san to give us top-notch entertainment!”
He can hear the men hoot and holler and applaud around him.
Hiro chuckles. “Thank you, thank you, and thank you Chrissy for being a great table top.”

“Table bottom, more like,” someone says and the men laugh.
“Fuck. That was fun. Thank you, Chrissy!”
The other men echo the thanks.
Chrissy’s still catching his breath. The ben wa beads are still embedded in his cunt. The egg vibrators and the rabbit are still buzzing against his prostate and taint and balls. He can still feel his cock twitching before shrinking down.

“Too bad we can’t take pics or videos, huh?”
“Nah, don’t want this to come out. Bad publicity. Remember what happened to Kanye?”
“So, gentlemen, karaoke?”
Chrissy hears a chorus of “Fuck, yeah!” and footsteps shuffling away, leaving him covered in his own cum and toys still vibrating in his cunt.
For a moment, Chrissy just lies there, spent. He opens the blindfold and narrows his eyes, trying to adjust to the light. He takes out the toys one by one. His tiny dick stirs again whenever the toys graze his prostate.
He’s too exhausted to even notice Akito walk in. He hands Chrissy a fat envelope stuffed with $100 bills and a note.
“From one of the gentlemen,” Akito smiles.

Chrissy reads it and feels as though his heart leaped out of his chest and his tiny cock stirs.

Full set:
BTS thoughts:
I did an Insta post of the nude sushi scene for Father’s Day, thinking I’d post the complete photo set soon. Of course, life took over and that never happened.
It only took four months to finally do the sushi shoot.
That’s nothing compared to how long I’d had the re-ment sushi set. (I actually forgot when I got them, so that’s how long it was. I think I purchased them in 2013? Ebay only has three years worth of purchase history.)
All the Japanese paintings are by the Japanese artist Ishihara TΕru aka Ishihara GΕjin aka Hayashi GekkΕ.
Click here to see the complete episodes of Dollsexposed’s residents, or choose below:
Dollsexposed showcases queer erotica, kink, fetish, and activism through twelve-inch doll photography. Their adventures in the doll world began in 2011 before establishing a home on dollsexposed.com eleven years later.
Dollsexposed's works have been displayed at Seattle Erotic Art Festival, Los Angeles Kinky Art Show, and Los Angeles Leather Getaway.
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Keeping this space sizzling for free isnβt easy (think: hosting costs, doll accessories, comic books, and lubeβlots and lots of lube).
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