Tanaka Hiro speaks three languages: Japanese, English, and money.

A third-generation Japanese-American, Hiro was raised by his grandparents after his parents died in a car crash. Hiro’s grandparents were survivors of the squalid Japanese internment camp in Utah. After the end of the Second World War, They moved to San Francisco to open a Japanese restaurant.

His grandparents’ experience in the concentration camp as well as their financial struggle instilled a sense of resilience and survival. After graduating summa cum laude from an ivy league university, he successfully revamped the restaurant business and expanded it into an empire.

Although he’s always been attracted to men, Hiro married a woman at the insistence of his grandparents. A child, Takeshi, was born. Hiro stayed married and suppressed his gay urges until one day his wife was fatally struck by a drunk driver.

Realizing how fleeting life is, Hiro came out of the closet, first to his fifteen-year-old son Takeshi, who also used the opportunity to come out to his father. It was initially awkward but their relationship became stronger than ever.

Speaking of awkward, Hiro had an affair with Chrissy when Chrissy was working at one of Hiro’s restaurants, Femboy Hooters (and several years later, Takeshi had a fling with Chrissy).

Fast forward to now, Hiro’s in a loving and exclusive relationship with Sven, a fitness model and chief trainer at Gar’s Gym.

Full NameTanaka Hiro
SpouseSven (exclusive/monogamous)
Relationship with ChrissyFormer boss and lover (top only)
ProfessionOwner of several restaurants around the US, including Femboy Hooters
Bird Month & Zodiacs*August; Virgo/Geb
HeadIQO Model 91007 WWI Japanese Imperial Army 1944 Ronan-Do
BodyM33 TBLeague/Phicen
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Penis AttachmentsM34/M35 TBLeague/Phicen (extra large)
*Zodiacs are provided to give a general idea of this character’s birthday and not their personality.

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