“So, what do you say, brother?” Wade looks at Matt.
It’s the Saturday after the dog incident. Chrissy’s volunteering at a cat shelter/adoption place a few blocks away and won’t be back till later.
Matt wanted to meet Wade face-to-face to discuss his and Chrissy’s upcoming trip to Wade’s sanctuary ranch. Wade lays out a daily itinerary filled with photo and video shoots. First with the two stallions and a unicorn-themed one. It’d be one of the horses, Chrissy, and a satyr. The problem is, neither Matt nor Wade feels like donning a satyr costume.

Matt sighs. “I don’t know… On one hand, I kinda wanna be the one who pops her threesome-with-horse cherry, but on the other hand… I don’t think I’m ready yet. Plus, I feel like I just wanna take photos.”
“I get it. And you wouldn’t mind if someone took your place to play with your wife?”
“You? No, of course not!”
Wade chuckles. “Nah, not me. I mean, I get you. I wanna fuck Chrissy while she’s sucking on a horse dick but, well, I’d rather film it.”
“Hey, what do you do with the videos of him and the animals?”
“Trust me, brother, I keep them safe.”
“I hear you, but what exactly do you do with them?”

Wade looks at Matt and sighs. He knows when Matt asks something, he won’t stop until he gets his answer.
Matt treats almost everything like this. His job, his workout regime to build his body. He even tried it on Chrissy and it almost ruined their relationship. About a month after they’d begun dating, Matt asked about Chrissy’s exes, and he wouldn’t tell. But Matt wouldn’t leave it be, not until Chrissy threatened to leave. That day, Matt learned his lesson about letting some unknowns stay as they are. But this, this he has to know.
“I don’t charge people to have sex with my animals,” Wade says, “but I make sure all parties sign an NDA and a contract that guarantees none of the documentation gets out,” Wade says. “My ‘clients,’ I know, I call them ‘clients,’ but whatever. They can take any kind of video and I always wear a mask and a hoodie.
“I’m normally just there to observe, to pull the client out when the animals get rowdy. But sometimes the client wants to have a backup video. This is where I come in.”
“Then what?”
“I upload them to Cloud. Encrypted. Ready to share with you and your girl.”
“What about the previous videos and photos? Of Chrissy with Thor?”
“Same,” Wade says. “They’re in the same Cloud account. Encrypted. Chrissy has the password.”
“How can we trust you that you won’t leak the movies and pics of Chrissy?”
Wade sighs and looks at Matt. “Did Chrissy say anything about him knowing my secret?”
“Yeah, but he didn’t say what.”

“That’s smart. And I promise it’s not criminal or anything, so you won’t have to worry about him being complicit and implicated.”
“Okay?” Matt says, but Wade can detect that he’s still not convinced.
“Wade, you do know the penalty for bestiality, right? Six months in jail and or a grand in fines, plus another six months for animal abuse. I looked it up. But that’s not all. The stigma, the shame, the public record. Look, I know Chrissy gets off on being humiliated and debased and he can be too spontaneous and easy sometimes, but I love him and I don’t want anything bad to happen to him. And Wade, I know you’re in love with him too.”
Wade looks at Matt. His mouth hangs open. “You… You do?”
“My god, isn’t it obvious? Do you know how jealous I am of you? I don’t care about all the other guys, but you, you’re different. You’ve been in his life longer than I have. You and Thor.”
“Matt, trust me, Chrissy… Chrissy loves you. Like, real bad. No, he doesn’t just love you, he adores you. I told you about this many times, right? When he met you and the two of you went steady, he ghosted me for like six months. No calls, no texts. No nada. And when he said you and him were in an open relationship, I didn’t miss a chance to start fucking him. But your wife won’t shut up about you when her mouth isn’t filled with my cock. Or Thor’s.”
Matt chuckles. It still feels a bit weird yet arousing to imagine Chrissy’s lips wrapping around a dog’s dick.
“And the only reason I’m able to fuck him regularly again is only because you told him you wanted me to fuck him. By some crazy chance, you and I met at the gym and got close without knowing our shared history with him. And I never told you this but when I realized he was with you, I felt relieved.”

“Because I can see you’re a great guy. I’m glad he found you and that he’s now with you. And don’t take it lightly because as relieved as I am, I know that I’m out of the picture without even the teeny-tiny chance of ever being his special guy because that position’s already filled. Like I said, I’m glad you’re that guy but it still kind of hurts.”
“Wade, you realize that doesn’t help your argument, right? I mean, who’s to say one day you’d get so jealous you’d release the videos?”
“Well, it’s back to my secret that Chrissy knows. He made me record myself saying it and we signed an agreement that it could only get out if the animal videos from my camera got out. If it ever came out, I’d be ruined. I’d lose everything, including the collaterals I use for my sanctuary ranch.”
“Chrissy would never…” Matt says. “Would he?”
“No, but he should,” Wade says. “I made him promise he’d do it if the videos got out.”
“Wade, I…”
“So, yeah. It’s not up to him or even up to you to keep the videos and the photos safe. It’s up to me. Because all my work, my reputation, heck, my life, are on the line.”
“Must be some secret,” Matt says.
“But if it’s an animal sanctuary, wouldn’t this be animal abuse? I mean, animals… they can’t give consent. At least not the consent we know of.”
“That’s a great question, brother,” Wade says. “I only use male animals. And they top only, even oral. It’s a nice relief for some of the animals. And as soon as they show signs of discomfort, we stop.”

“Whoa. Top only? Sounds like Chrissy’s dream come true.”
The two men laugh.
“I’ve been telling him that! But he was so hesitant. Now that you know, there’s really no reason why he shouldn’t check it out and get dicked by my farm animals.”
Matt smiles. The thought of his fiancΓ© sucking on horse dicks while being fucked by a donkey is turning him on. Of course he’d be there to catch the action with his camera.
“So, who’s gonna be the satyr then?”
“His name’s Derek,” Wade says. “Kid’s studying to become a lifestock vet. Got connected through my contacts in the Marines. I was looking for a steady vet and Derek’s an apprentice to another lifestock vet who was also a veteran.”
“What’s he like?”
“He’s like what, twenty four? Twenty six tops.”
“Geez. So young. Almost half our age.”
“Tall, swimmer’s built, ginger with a man bun.” Wade shows Derek’s photo on his phone.

“Chrissy loves gingers,” Matt says.
“Dude, your wife loves anything with a dick.”
Matt chuckles. “Fuck, you’re right. And you trust him?”
“I was showing him the horses and one of them got a raging hard-on.” Wade says. “He couldn’t stop staring at it. I asked him if he’d never seen a horse dick, being a lifestock vet in training and all.”
“What did he say?”
“He said he’d seen it but never a hard one, and get this, he was so transfixed that he just blurted out his fantasy.”
“Oh fuck, dude. What is it?”
“He said, and I shit you not, that he’d always wanted to have a threesome where he’s fucking someone while that someone is sucking a horse cock.”
Matt stops walking. His mouth hangs open.
“Right?” Wade says. He and Matt laugh.

“But that’s so vague, though. Matt says. “I mean, a girl? A guy?”
“He does everyone, he says. Oh, and one more thing…”
“He thinks you guys are hot.”
“Wait, how does he know about us?” Matt says.
“He was in my office once and I have that photo of the three of us at Warner Bros. Remember that time your girl dragged us to see the DC Wonder Woman exhibit?”
“Aw, dude, you actually printed that one?” Galadriel, one of Matt and Chrissy’s cats jumps into Matt’s lap.

“And framed it, yeah,” Wade says. “And he asked me, his exact words were, ‘Who’s the delicious bald hunky daddy and his sexy faggot skank?'”
Matt laughs. “And what did you say?”
“I said, ‘The hunky daddy’s my best friend and that pink-haired skank is his fiancΓ©, and these are the most awesome humans I’ve ever known.'”
“Oh, so we’re best friends now?”
“I think so! I hope so?”
Matt chuckles. “Well, we’ve been very close and shared so much, including my wife, so yes, I’d like to think we’re best friends. But that was… not a very professional thing to say to your employee.”
“I mean, when you caught your worker staring at the hard dick of one of your horses and then he told you a really taboo fantasy of his, I think that professional boundary had long been crossed, brother.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s fair. So you trust him?”

“I was in the Marines. We were trained to sniff out lies.”
“He was also in the Marines, so he knows all your techniques.”
Wade grins. “You see? You see why Chrissy’s so in love with you? You’re so smart. God, your girl can sometimes go on and on about how brilliant you are. ‘Oh, Matt can cook. Oh, Matt reads Dostoevsky. Oh, Matt introduced me to…’ what’s that guy’s name?”
“What guy?”
“The movie guy, with the death scene. Black and white.”
“Ingmar Bergman?” Matt smiles.
“Yeah. Chrissy keeps raving about your top three movies and they’re all black and white, you pretentious prick.”
The two men laugh.
“It’s true!”
“What are they again?” Wade asks. “Bergman’s The Seventh Seal, Mel Brooks’ Young Frankenstein, and the other one I keep forgetting the title. It’s Chloe something…”
“ClΓ©o from 5 to 7 by the great AgnΓ¨s Varda,” Matt says.
“Yeah, whatever. And then, ‘Oh, Matt fixed the microwave, the toilet, the car, the AC.’ She says you can take something apart and put it all back together.”
“Heh, yeah,” Matt chuckles. “My dad was a mechanic, and I grew up wanting to be a gun specialist in the Army. I wanted to enlist.”
“Then you found out you were gay?”
“Then I found out I was gay. And I found out I hated guns. No offense, man.”
“None taken, buddy,” Wade says. “For what it’s worth, I hate guns too. And I joined the Marines because I lacked direction. I know it’s trite but the Marines gave me a sense of purpose. But yeah, DADT was a difficult time. Derek said it was better on the surface when he joined. But there was still so much latent homophobia and transphobia. It was easier on him because he’s pansexual.”

“A pansexual, who’s going to dress up as the Greek-myth Pan. That seems fitting.”
“You and Chrissy are such nerds. But anyway, yeah, I trust him. And besides, we’ll have photos of him kind of engaging in bestiality by proxy.”
“Yeah, that’s true.”
“Oh, and one more thing,” Wade says. “You ever heard of the Donkey Show in Tijuana?”
“No. Is that what I think it is?”
“Yeah. So, uh, maybe we should do a little something like that? Maybe with four or five people in the audience.”
“What? Are you insane?”

“Oh, hey, come on, man. Chrissy loves audiences. He loves being the center of attention.”
“I know. But involving other people? Strangers? Yeah, I don’t think so.”
“Look, it’s just going to be you, me, Derek, and uh, a guy from Hawaii and his two employees.”
Matt gets up. “What the fuck, Wade?”

The way Matt looks at him sends a chill down Wade’s spine.
“Look, this guy… he’d been trying to bring two of his boyfriends to get fucked by our farm animals. One guy didn’t show up, and the other guy came, took a look at the horses, and then noped out.”
“So? Can you not get someone else to do it?”
“Bro, this guy, Makoa, he’s a big shot in Hawaii. He has gorgeous resorts all over the islands and in Tahiti. And he knows Derek and Aubrey.”
“What? Who’s Aubrey?”
“Aubrey works at my ranch. He’s growing cannabis. He’s a cute kid, you’ll like him.”
“You grow pot in your ranch? Oh, Chrissy’s gonna love that,” Matt’s words drip with sarcasm. He knows how much his fiancΓ© hates pot. “What’s in it for you, Wade? Tell me the truth.” Matt looks out the window of his apartment.

“He promised to give a generous donation. Like, five million dollars generous.”
“Fuck. That can’t be real.”
“Bro, Makoa’s crazy loaded. He’s so much land. Real real estate money. If the ranch got him, we’d be set for life. We could rescue more animals.
“Derek and Aubrey are rich kids. They’ve been friends since they were kids because their parents are friends. They spent every summer at Makoa’s resort in Hawaii. Makoa treats them like his own kids. It’s weird, this six-degrees-of-separation thing. And with Derek and Aubrey knowing him I thought it’d be safe to trust this guy.”
“Are you seriously asking me to pimp out my fiancΓ© and have him fucked by a donkey, in front of strangers?”
“I’ve asked your girl.” Wade sighs as he pets the purring Galadriel.
“And she said yes? Of fucking course she did.”
“I tried asking other guys but nobody wanted to do it. I think with Chrissy, it’s more because he sincerely wants to help me and the animals.”
Matt sighs again. Yeah. That’s Chrissy all right. He feels both proud that the man he loves has that kind of passion to save animals, and a bit weary that it’d potentially cost him their privacy.

“Look, if things go well, he’ll fly all of us to whichever resort he owns, get you the star treatment, all of that…”
“Yeah, Wade, I don’t know… It’s not like we Chrissy and I can’t afford a Hawaii trip.”
“Yeah, but have you seen his place in Tahiti? It’s a beautiful resort, bro. I’m telling you. Overwater cottages. With dolphins and everything.”
“And after he invested, wouldn’t he have a say in your operations?”
“No,” Wade says, “and I’d make sure of that, bro. I could use the money, but there are other ways to get it. Like with the pot farm.”
“And if you said no and he got angry, you don’t think he’d tell the cops that you’ve been letting animals mate with humans?”
“Not if a certain video gets out showing how much he’s enjoying himself at a donkey show, along with leaked email and text correspondences that support the video.”
“AI could make those,” Matt says.
“Pics? Sure. But videos? Come on, bro…”

“And I don’t get why he has to bring the other two guys along. What are they? His bodyguards?”
“One’s a marine mammal veterinarian who rotates around the resorts, the other’s a Marine vet they hired as their recreation director.”
“That’s… hilariously confusing.”
“It kind of is,” Wade says, “but Makoa trusts them both. One of his resorts in Tahiti has this cluster of overwater cottages and the veterinarian noticed a group of dolphins who regularly swim near the cottages.
“Then one day when he and the other guy were out taking his underwater drone camera, he saw two of those dolphins, both males, by the way, swam towards this one guest, rips his swim trunks and sandwiched him, like they tried to DP him.”
“Oh, shit,” Matt says. “What the fuck? Dolphins are savages, man.”
“Yeah, and luckily they were able to get to the boat and shoo the dolphins away before it got worse.”
“Was the guy okay?”

“Yeah. Traumatized. Some bruises. Turns out the guy was jerking off in the open water and I guess it attracted the dolphins? You know how horny college guys can get.”
“And the underwater camera filmed everything. And then it was like an avalanche. They showed Makoa the footage, and clearly they were excited about it because when Makoa offered them a chance to see the donkey show, they quickly said yes.
“That’s… kinda hot?” Matt says. “I mean, I’m pretty sure Chrissy’d love to be raped by dolphins.” He can’t believe he said that.
Matt sighs.
“I’ll need to talk to him about this. I don’t like how he’s been keeping something like this away from me. I mean, I thought after I’d seen him being fucked by a dog and actually liking him being fucked by a dog, he’d be less secretive about these things. I’m just concerned about having so many eyeballs at the show.”
“Brother, I’ll make sure no one records anything. Chrissy can wear a mask if he wants to. But that pink hair of his is very distinct. And everyone will have to sign an agreement.”
“I mean, I kind of want to record it, though,” Matt grins as he playfully punches Wade’s shoulder.

Wade laughs. “Dude, I knew it. Don’t hide your perviness. Come on, man. I know you want to degrade and debase your wife as much as I do.”
“I feel like it’s only because it turns him on so much? I mean, yeah we check the photos and videos afterwards and they always get Chrissy super horny and ready for another round of good pounding, but even if I were just snapping blanks, it’d still push him over the edge, you know?”
Wade smiles. Yep, that’s definitely Chrissy.
“Fine,” Wade says. “I’ll set up a digicam and you can bring yours. The audience will wear a mask. You wouldn’t mind if they jizzed all over your wife, right?”
“They what?”
“Sometimes donkey shows can get really rowdy and some in the audience would pay more to have the girl suck their dick and cum on her. I want to give the guys an immersive, albeit low-key, experience of the real donkey show.”
“I… wouldn’t. But I’ll make sure to mention it to Chrissy. Again, pretty sure she’ll say yes to all.”

“Great! Okay, then it’s settled. Oh, I so can’t wait to host you guys. It’s gonna be a weekend full of fun!”
“Yeah. I hope so. You don’t expect the donkey show to happen this weekend, right?”
“No. This weekend’s all about Chrissy being fucked by farm animals and us taking photos and videos and having fun. Derek’s set up the meeting with the Hawaiian guy like a month from now.”
“Ugh, why can’t you just find someone else for the show?”
Wade grins as he stands up to leave Matt’s place. “I love you, guys. You know that, right? Both you and Chrissy have been just… the source of joy in my life. And just imagine, a Tahiti trip with your beautiful wife, all expense paid. Plus me! Your gorgeous, studly friend.”
Matt purses his lips. He hates it when Wade doesn’t give a straight answer, but smiles back at Wade. “We love you too, but I want to make sure you know that even though Chrissy and I love you, we’re not a throuple.”

Wade gasps, clutches his heart, and feigns a sad face. “Matt, my buddy, my friend, my brother, do you always have to break me like that? I thought we were having a sweet, bromance moment! A broment! A bromament?”
Matt laughs. “You crazy idiot. Get out. Email us the itinerary and the direction.”
“You got it, stud. Mind if I looped Derek in the email chain?”
“Nah, we don’t know him yet. Feels weird.”
“Gotcha,” Wade says and gives Matt a fist bump. “Okay. I’ll email you!”

Matt closes the door. He inhales, holds his breath for a few seconds, and then exhales.
He grins as he thinks about the upcoming weekend at Wade’s ranch and hopes Chrissy will be on board with all the suggested excursions.
He imagines Chrissy kneeling before Wade’s stallions and donkeys, sucking their dicks. He imagines Chrissy being fucked by a faceless guy with a horse cock in his mouth. He imagines strangers spewing their fuck on Chrissy, just as he finishes blowing a donkey’s dick and swallowing his fuck. He imagines Chrissy covered in animal fuck, stroking his tiny dick, cumming hard.

And then he images Chrissy being raped by two giant dolphins, both their cocks pumping in and out of Chrissy’s cunt. Only Matt doesn’t really know what a dolphin’s dick looks like, so he replaces the cocks with human dicks.
Matt’s huge cock becomes hard. He spits on his hand and strokes his dick, running his wet palm up and down the thick shaft. Then he stops.
“Nah,” he says to himself. He’s going to wait until Chrissy comes home from volunteering. And then he’s going to fuck him so bad and dumps his load in him.

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Dollsexposed showcases queer erotica, kink, fetish, and activism through twelve-inch doll photography. Their adventures in the doll world began in 2011 before establishing a home on dollsexposed.com eleven years later.
Dollsexposed's works have been displayed at Seattle Erotic Art Festival, Los Angeles Kinky Art Show, and Los Angeles Leather Getaway.
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