Wade pushes Chrissy out in front of him. As much as he loves looking behind him from time to time and catching Chrissy’s titties bouncing under the slutty cropped top, he also wants to watch Chrissy’s ass jiggling.

He grins every time he sees Chrissy’s bag. When they were starting out at the bottom and there were people, the bitch wanted to turn the bag around so the “I Heart DC (dog cocks)” graphic didn’t show.

But Wade got his way, of course. And he knows deep down Chrissy wanted people to know how much he loved dog dicks as much as human dicks and that he was excited to be whored out to random men (and hopefully their dogs) on a public trail.

“Are we there yet?” Chrissy says, groaning.

Wade chuckles. “Almost there, baby,” he slips a finger into Chrissy’s sweaty cunt and laughs as the slut jumps. “You shouldn’t be too nervous, baby. Just enjoy it.”

Thor woofs playfully, wanting to be involved. The rottweiler trots forward and bumps his head on Chrissy’s hand, begging to be petted.

“I’m nervous and anxious,” Chrissy scratches Thor’s head and behind his ear.

“Even Thor knows he’s gonna get some of that sissy bitch pussy today,” Wade smiles. He kisses Chrissy’s neck. Then his cheek, his forehead, and back to his neck.

“Wade, I’m sweaty,” Chrissy giggles.

“I love my sweaty baby,” Wade says. He can’t stop kissing Chrissy. He loves the slutty giggles Chrissy makes every time he kisses the pink-haired faggot. Wade wonders if Chrissy makes the same giggles when Matt kisses him. Wade kisses Chrissy some more.

They walk a bit further until they reach a clearing with two wooden benches. “Here’s good,” Wade says.

Chrissy exhales with relief. “I really don’t want to hike anymore, but… are you sure this is secluded enough?”

“Yeah.” Wade grabs his water bottle and hands it to Chrissy. “You still anxious, baby?”

“Like my heart wants to leap out of my throat.”

Wade laughs. “We went hiking all the way up here with you looking like a zoo skank with that cropped top and that bag. The worst part is over.”

“I can’t believe you made me wear this. People were staring.”

“Yeah, don’t give me that, sissy slut. You were the one who made them. Practically begging to wear them in public so people know how much of a zoo faggot whore you are.”

Wade scoops Chrissy in his arms and gives Chrissy a wet, sloppy kiss. “Fuck, I miss you so much, baby.”

Chrissy knows Wade’s about to say something stupid as the muscular man stares into his eyes through the dark sunglasses, so Chrissy quickly comes up with something to break it. “Even Matt’s shocked when I told him I was going hiking.”

“Good thing he’s busy with the new construction site. Otherwise, I’d have to share you with him.”

“But I thought today was about sharing me with other men?” Chrissy grins mischievously.

Wade smiles and kisses Chrissy’s forehead. “And with Thor and maybe other dogs too.” He reaches down and begins to fondle Chrissy’s hardening dick.

“Yeah, I… I don’t know about dogs…”

“Aw, come on, slut, you walked all the way up here with a top and bag that basically advertise how much you want dogs to fuck you. It’s a bit too late for that. You’d let coyotes breed your cunt and cum in your faggot bitch mouth if you could.”

Chrissy starts to moan. His tiny dick’s now out of his micro short shorts and standing hard in Wade’s hand.

Wade gives Chrissy another sloppy kiss, allowing a trail of spit to spread between their lips.

“Yeah, you’d love that, wouldntcha, you fuckin’ zoo bitch? You’d love ruttin’ animals nut in your fuckin’ womb and down your throat, wouldntcha? Dogs, wolves, coyotes… Horses, donkeys, dolphins. Fuck, I’d pay to have a chimp or an elephant fuck you.”

Chrissy’s moans are the only affirmation Wade needs. Wade jerks off Chrissy’s dicklet a bit more before roughly letting it go. He chuckles as Chrissy groans in protest.

“Fuckin’ zoo slut. OK, let me get some photos of you in that sissy zoo whore outfit. Show me how much of a canine zoo faggot bitch you are. Gonna share them with Matt.”

Chrissy swallows hard. “Yes, Master Wade.” The thought of Matt seeing him in the slutty getup with the bestiality graphics excites Chrissy. Some months ago, Wade brought Thor to Matt and Chrissy’s apartment and of course Chrissy couldn’t stop himself from getting fucked by the dog. When Matt finally found out, Chrissy’s grateful that he wasn’t disgusted but the complete opposite.

Matt, Wade, and Thor have been having fun together ever since, with the two men taking photos and videos of the faggot bitch servicing the rottweiler every chance they get.

“And tuck that tiny, pathetic clit back inside those skank shorts.”

“Yes, Master Wade.”

“That’s my sissy girl.” Wade takes out his phone.

Chrissy loves posing. Especially for Matt and Wade. But he’s not a pro model like Manuel or Sven. One time, he booked a gig selling dildos at a sex shop, but he doesn’t want to do it again.

“Girlier, sluttier,” Wade says. “Yeah, just like that.”

Despite how dominating the two men are when it comes to sex, Matt and Wade put Chrissy at ease. He loves them. And both men love pushing him to do more taboo stuff, especially now that Matt knows Thor’s been fucking and breeding Chrissy’s womb with his dog jizz and Chrissy’s been drinking Thor’s canine sperm straight from the red rocket tap.

“Turn around, sissy whore! Show me your skanky short shorts and your doggy bag!”

Chrissy twirls around and Wade captures the lewd graphic on Chrissy’s drawstring bag. The heart in “I Heart DC (dog cocks)” has a cut-out of a cumming dog dick. It was all Chrissy’s idea and Wade loved how excited the faggot was when he showed Wade the design.

Wade grins triumphantly. Yeah, this sissy slut may act like she doesn’t love being a zoo bitch but everyone knows it’s the opposite.

“So sexy, baby, gosh, you’re beautiful,” Wade says.

Chrissy giggles.

“Thank you, Daddy Wade.”

Thor senses Chrissy’s excitement and starts nudging and nuzzling the pink-haired sissy.

“Whoa, looks like Master Thor also wants to play,” Wade chuckles as he looks down and notices the rottweiler’s dog dick already hard under his furry belly. “Why don’t you suck your husband’s dick like a good, sissy wife, bitch?”

“H… here? But Wade…”

“Don’t make me tell you again, you dumb zoo whore!”

“Yes, Master Wade, I’m sorry, Master Wade,” Chrissy gets on all fours.

As though on cue, the huge rottweiler jumps on Chrissy. He knocks the bitch over so she’s on her back and starts thrusting his massive dog cock in Chrissy’s face, leaving trails of canine precum on the faggot’s cheek and lips.

Chrissy opens his mouth and the rottweiler’s red dick begins pistoning in and out, raping him orally as he lies on his back. He can feel the roughness of the terrain against his naked skin.

Wade grins and starts taking a video with his phone.

“Look at me, bitch!” Wade says. “Look at me while you have that big dog dick in your sissy mouth!”

Chrissy looks up and into Wade’s camera phone as he slurps and laps hungrily at Thor’s canine cock. His precum makes wet trails on his inner thigh.

“Matt’s gonna love this.” He lets Thor rape Chrissy’s mouth for a few more minutes before his phone beeps.

“OK, time to strip, faggot. My Recon buds are almost here. Thor, unmount.”

Both the dog and the bitch don’t seem to want to dislodge, with Thor’s red rottweiler dick still embedded in Chrissy’s throat.

“Thor, unmount,” Wade repeats, this time louder.

Thor whimpers but obeys and trots to the side with his dog cock still hard.

“There’ll be more time to fuck your bitch wife, Thor,” Wade chuckles before changing to a serious, almost barking tone at Chrissy. “Change to your gear, sissy slut. Customers are almost here.”

“Yes, Master.”

Wade holds up his phone and begins videotaping Chrissy stripping and changing into the pink pup gear.

“Oh, and I got this for you,” he hands Chrissy an animal-ear headband.

“No hood?”

“Nah. Why cover that pretty bimbo face of yours?”

Chrissy giggles as Wade grins.

“You have the butt plug?” Wade says.

Chrissy nods.

“Plug your cunt.”

“I need lube.”

Wade laughs but then his face turns serious.

“Dumb bitch! You think these guys will bother with lube? Use your spit. Fuckin’ princess with the lube. You’re a fuckin’ prostitute, not a princess,” Wade shakes his head. “And when you suck their dicks before they fuck you, you’d better use a lot of spit, otherwise…” Wade doesn’t finish. He smiles when Chrissy winces. The faggot finally understands she’s a hooker who’ll let men and animals rape her and she’s gonna enjoy every minute of it.

“What d’ya say, stupid slut?”

“Uh… I’m… I’m sorry, Master Wade. Thank you, Master Wade.”

“That’s more like it.”

They hear two men talking.

“Wade…” Chrissy grabs and squeezes Wade’s arm.

“It’s gonna be okay, baby. I’d kiss you, but you just took a dog dick in your whore mouth, so…” Wade gives Chrissy’s forehead a gentle peck.

“I will never, ever let anyone hurt you. And besides, your husband Thor’s here to protect his bitch wife. Right, boy?” Wade scratches Thor’s head and the dog licks his hand. “Now shut up and get into pup position.”

As soon as Chrissy gets on his knees, Thor trots over and starts licking his face.

“Thor, wait, n…” Chrissy starts to protest but Thor’s slobbering dog tongue invades Chrissy’s mouth before he finishes his sentence.

Wade chuckles as he sees his dog and his bitch locked in a hot canine French kiss. He takes a video of Chrissy slurping Thor’s drool like the spaghetti in Lady & the Tramp.

“Fuckin’ horny zoo bitch.”

Thor and Chrissy just barely finish their lewd dog-human kissing when the two men appear from behind the trail. One wears a mask and the other wears sunglasses, obscuring their faces. Not that it does Chrissy any good. He’s practically blind without his glasses.

“Hey,” the guy with sunglasses mentions Wade’s Recon name to confirm.

“Hey, guys. Thanks for coming.” Wade fist-bumps both men. “I’ll leave the whore to you. Do whatever you want with her, just remember: no blood, no permanent scarring, no scat, and no documentation. Safeword is ‘Coldstone Creamery’ and peace sign.”

“‘Coldstone Creamery,'” Sunglasses says. “Never heard that one before.”

“What can I say?” Wade chuckles. “The bitch loves ice cream.”

“And big dicks, I hope,” Mask says.

“All shapes, sizes, and species, my man,” Wade says. “This pooch here’s been a happy repeat customer.”

The three men laugh.

Chrissy feels his face grow hot. Wade just practically told strangers he’s been repeatedly fucked by a dog. But there’s no time to think about that, not when Sunglasses and Mask start to close in on him.

“Hey, little girl,” Sunglasses grabs Chrissy’s chain.

“Great tits,” Mask starts caressing Chrissy’s pec and pinching his nipple.

“Th… thank you, Sir…”

“Ooh, she’s polite,” Mask says. “I love the polite ones.”

“Your Master there said this is your first time being whored out in a public park, sissy slut?” Sunglasses says.

“Y… Yes, Sir.”

“Whatcha say we pop your cherry?” Sunglasses yanks Chrissy’s chain, choking the bitch.

“It’s… It’s already popped, Sir…”

The two men laugh.

“Why’re the pretty ones always so dumb?” Mask rolls his eyes and grabs a fistful of Chrissy’s hair.

“This one’s not dumb, just mouthy,” Sunglasses yanks Chrissy’s chain tighter. “Think you’re so clever, dontcha? Aw, she’s crying. Poor widdwe baby-waby is cwying.”

“Eh, she does that a lot,” Wade says. “Don’t worry. As long as she doesn’t say the safe word, you’re fine.”

Wade texts Matt the photos and videos he’s taken of Chrissy looking like a five-buck hooker and sucking Thor’s dick.

He chuckles when Matt texts back, “Awww, maaaan. Wish I were there to take vids of Thor raping my wife! She having fun? How many loads she’s taken? Can you get other dogs to fuck her too? LOL JK but not really.”

“I’ll try, man,” Wade texts. “She’s got two customers so far. They’re really roughing her up. She loves it.”

“Of course she does, man, she’s a slut! Fuck, this really makes my dick hard, but I gotta get back to work. Send me some more dog pics with the bitch, LOL.”

“Will do, man. Have fun at work.”

“I’ll give you something to cry about, sissy bitch,” Mask slips down his shorts. His massive dick slaps Chrissy’s face. “Breathe it in, faggot.”

The musky scent of sweat and soap hits Chrissy’s brain and it drives him into a frenzy, and soon he’s sucking on the stranger’s dick like his life depended on it. He remembers Wade’s advice to use a lot of spit, and so he did, never mind that he probably wouldn’t get fucked too soon and that spit would just dry off.

“Shit,” Mask laughs. “This bitch drools as much as she cries. Did she just eat some spicy chicken wings or something?”

Chrissy pushes Mask’s thighs away and the dick slips out his throat. He chokes and coughs but manages to say, “I hate spicy foods. And I’m vegetarian.”

The two men laugh.

“Not today, you’re not,” Mask reinserts his dick, ignoring Chrissy’s gag reflex.

“Mouthy bitch you have here,” Sunglasses tells Wade.

“Sorry about that, guys. Yeah, sometimes her brat side comes out. But she’ll shut up with a dick in her mouth.”

“Heh,” Mask chuckles. “That’s an easy job.”

“My turn, bro,” Sunglasses says as he whips out his equally huge dick and pokes Chrissy’s cheek with it. “Suck it, whore!”

Spit and precum trail down Chrissy’s wet cheeks and drip down to his titties. His tiny dick throbs as the cool summer breeze make the wetness on his nipple and areola tingle. Tears still stream down his face as he tries to adjust to the dick size jackhammering his mouth.

“Get up, bitch, I wanna fuck your sissy cunt while you suck my buddy there.” Mask lifts Chrissy by his sweaty armpits and roughly pushes his back down so Chrissy bends over. With his feet, he spreads Chrissy’s legs so he can have easy access to Chrissy’s pussy.

“Let’s get rid of the tail,” Mask says and grabs the tail end of Chrissy’s buttplug.

“I’m gonna punch the daylight out of you if you bite my dick, you dumb sissy whore!” Sunglasses says.

Wade overhears it but decides not to say anything. As long as the faggot doesn’t say the safeword or give him a signal, then it should be fine.

Chrissy braces himself as Mask begins counting down. When he hits zero, he yanks the butt plug roughly out of his cunt. His face turns red as he can hear and feel himself queef.

The two men laugh.

“Take my big dick, bitch!” Mask replaces the butt plug with his cock and pushes it in with one shove.

Chrissy yelps but manages to not bite down the other massive dick that’s lodged in his throat. Matt’s trained him for years as a human cocksleeve by passing him around as orgy party favors, but never out in the open like this, and never as dry.

“Fuck, his mouth feels so good,” Sunglasses says as he yanks Chrissy’s chain, choking him even more. “We gotta trade soon, man, I don’t wanna nut in her mouth.”

“I gotchu, man,” Mask says and roughly pulls out from Chrissy’s cunt. “Turn around, faggot!”

Chrissy does as Mask orders. Mask’s dick slaps his cheek, leaving a trail of spit, sweat, and his own ass juice.

“Suck it clean, whore!” Mask grabs a handful of Chrissy’s hair, making him yelp in pain. He shoves his huge dick in the sissy bitch’s mouth, making him taste his own cunt. Chrissy gags and chokes, coating Mask’s dick with even more saliva.

Meanwhile, Sunglasses spits on his dick and teases Chrissy’s pussyhole by rubbing the tip of his cock. Chrissy’s moans turn to choking sounds as Mask rapes his mouth while Sunglasses tugs on his chain.

“Get ready, bitch!” Sunglasses says. Just like Mask, he shoves his dick in Chrissy’s cunt in one go.

Wade observes from a few feet away, making sure his prostitute doesn’t disappoint the customers. When he sees the whore’s doing fine, he goes back to his phone.

Chrissy’s throat and cunt are on fire from the two-pronged assaults. Her jaws can’t take it anymore. Snot and tears stream down and drip onto Mask’s dick. When Masks jams his dick down Chrissy’s throat, he unknowingly forces Chrissy to gulp down her own salty snot and tears.

Sunglasses maintains his rapid cadence. Chrissy feels as though his cunt is being ravaged by fire ants. This is what Wade meant when he warned Chrissy to use as much spit as possible. Thank goodness he’d loosened his pussy with the buttplug. At least that helped reduce the shock a bit.

“Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” Sunglasses says and roughly pulls out his dick.

“Me too,” Mask says and shoves Chrissy down on his knees.

The two men make Chrissy suck both their dicks at the same time. Chrissy gags as a mix of spit, sweat, and ass juice stream down his lips. He’s relieved that the two men are about to cum, thus they’ll be leaving soon. But his cunt feels empty and he hates it.

Wade beams proudly at Chrissy. He wishes he could take photos but he wants to maintain the men’s privacy. So, for now, he’ll need to be satisfied with just the memory of Chrissy being his prostitute for the day.

“I’m cumming!” Mask says. Chrissy instinctively turns his face and opens his mouth.

At the same time, without warning, Sunglasses also cums.

Both men muffle their orgasms as they try to be discreet. It’s a public park after all.

Chrissy tries his best to swallow as much cum as possible but much of it landed on his face, coating him with a thick layer of semen. His eyes sting as some cum also got into them. Chrissy tries to blink but that only gathers even more cum, so he closes his eyes.

“Clean the dicks , faggot,” Mask says.

With his eyes closed, he nurses the two huge cocks, feeling them soften in his mouth as he extracts the last drops of their jizz, savoring the salty and pungent taste of semen mixed with his own spit, snot, tears, and residual ass juice.

Chrissy droops when the two men finally let go. He can hear Sunglasses zipping his jeans.

“That was good, man,” Mask waves at Wade.

“Glad you enjoyed her,” Wade smiles. “Tell your friends!”

“You bet!” Sunglasses says.

Still in sub kneeling position with a thick layer of fuck coating his face and dripping down his pecs, Chrissy can feel his clit throb and precum leaking out. His cunt gaping and itching to be filled. Chrissy wishes Wade would fuck him.

He suddenly feel Thor’s warm, wet tongue licking his face.

“Hey, Thor! No! Bad dog!” Wade yanks Thor’s chain to stop his rottweiler. “Gross! That’s your bitch’s job, not yours!”

“Well, whore, I was hoping we’d get more customers for you, but it looks like two should be enough since Thor really wants to fuck you. Why don’t you get into your bitch wife position?”

Chrissy instinctively opens his mouth to answer, “Yes, Master,” but all he gets is a mouthful of the men’s cum. He licks his lips, hoping to get a taste of Thor’s dog saliva in it too.

“Dumb sissy faggot whore! I said get into your dog bitch wife position!”

Wade’s order jolts Chrissy from savoring the taste of cum still clinging to his face. He scrambles down on all fours and presents his cunt to the massive rottweiler.

“Good bitch,” Wade says. “OK, Thor, she’s all yours.”

Still slightly disoriented from the thick layer of cum covering his face, Chrissy can feel Thor’s front paws on his back as the canine mounts him.

Chrissy reaches down between his legs and grabs Thor’s huge red dog cock and guides it into his cunt.

By now, he should be accustomed to cocks raping his pussy, but Chrissy still yelps as the rottweiler jams his dick into his cunt with one go and starts thrusting rapidly.

“Oh, fuck… fuck… Thor…” Chrissy begins to moan. “Oh, fuck, Thor, please… not that hard… fuck… yeah… fuck your faggot whore bitch wife, Dog Daddy.”

Wade wears a huge smile on his face. Normally it’s either Matt or him who does the talking, encouraging and ordering Chrissy to take more of the dog dick. Their bitch has come a long way. He makes sure the video catches all the lewd male-dog-on-sissy-bitch action, including the whore’s cum-covered face and her cunt being stretched by the huge canine cock.

“Oooh, fuck me, Daddy Thor. Fuck your little zoo bitch wife. Oh, fuck, I love your dog cock so much,” Chrissy says as he pushes his ass back, trying to match the rottweiler’s cadence.

Chrissy knows the dog’s about to nut in his womb As Thor’s thrusts become even faster.

“No knot, baby, we can’t risk it,” Wade says.

It takes all Chrissy’s might to slip forward so the dog won’t knot his cunt. Thor’s knot usually goes down twenty minutes before becoming small enough to pop out of Chrissy’s pussy. It’s too risky to do this in public. They’re already risking public exposure charges. But maybe if he gets caught, the cops and other jailmates will rape him and maybe the K-9 team will make him his bitch? That doesn’t sound too bad.

Streams of hot dog fuck spurting inside his loosening cunt break Chrissy’s lewd fantasy.

“Good boy, Thor,” Wade says as he takes footage of dog cum leaking out of Chrissy’s well-used, gaping pussy. It makes wet, squelching sounds as Thor keeps fucking his bitch’s cunt, sopping wet with dog cum.

Thor pulls out of Chrissy’s cum, and to the surprise of both Wade and Chrissy, the dog trots and presents his still-leaking dick in front of Chrissy’s face.

“Smart boy,” Wade chuckles. Has Thor learned how to copy the men’s behavior? Come to think of it, the dog most likely has also seen Matt and Wade presenting their wet, post-cum dicks for Chrissy to clean up with his mouth after fucking the bitch’s cunt.

Chrissy opens his mouth and sucks the red dog cock clean. He savors the taste of Thor’s cum, mixed with canine and human sweat, and his ass juice.

On the other end, Wade takes close-ups of the dog fuck dripping down from Chrissy’s gaping cunt down to the ground.

When he’s satisfied with his video, Wade stands up and yanks Chrissy’s chain, choking the bitch. Wade chuckles when he sees Chrissy’s face still covered with cum.

“Last thing, whore. We need a good photo of you and your hubby here.”

Wade yanks the chain upward, forcing Chrissy to lift his head.

“Thor, come on Thor, say thank you to your wife!”

Wade aims his camera on Chrissy’s face as Thor puts his snout next to him. He turns the video camera on and starts recording.

“What do you say, bitch?”

“Th… Thank you, Master Thor…”

“Thank you for what, faggot?”

“Thank you for… making me your bitch wife, Master Thor…”

“Good girl,” Wade says. “Let’s go home.”

“B… But I haven’t… cum yet…”

Wade yanks Chrissy’s chain, choking the bitch.

“Dumb slut! Toldja you’re a fuckin’ prostitute, not a princess! We’ll get you all showered up at home and I’ll fuck you good. Can’t touch you after you’ve swallowed random jizz and my dog’s fuck, right?”

“Y… Yes, Master Wade… Thank you, Master Wade…”

“Then you need to go back to your home and let Master Matt fuck you while you tell him about you whoring your mouth and pussy today and watch my video of you being Thor’s bitch, yeah?”

“Yes, Master Wade.”

“And then you’ll let Master Matt cum on you or in you, wherever Master Matt wants to, yeah, you stupid cunt?”

“Yes, Master Wade.”

“And then, only then, can you cum.”

Chrissy hangs his head down. His clit’s still throbbing and dripping precum between his legs, but he wants to please Matt and Wade.

“Yes, Master Wade.”

Wade grins. “Good girl.” He throws Chrissy’s clothes at the spent bitch. He can’t wait to fuck Chrissy later. Maybe Thor will join in again if he’s up to it.

Complete set:

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Dollsexposed showcases queer erotica, kink, fetish, and activism through twelve-inch doll photography. Their adventures in the doll world began in 2011 before establishing a home on dollsexposed.com eleven years later.

Dollsexposed's works have been displayed at Seattle Erotic Art Festival, Los Angeles Kinky Art Show, and Los Angeles Leather Getaway.

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