A second-generation Chinese immigrant, Billy is the opposite of his parents. He’s outspoken, bold to the point of being brash, and unafraid to challenge norms.
Billy’s grades were stellar, but his know-it-all attitude made it difficult for his classmates and teachers to respect him. This carried on to his professional life, as he often clashed with his superiors.
Unable to hold steady employment, Billy decided to start his own business. This jack-of-all-trades has done it all: dog sitter, freelance bouncer, telemarketer, you name it. But it was through a short-lived modeling career that he got a job as a salesperson for an adult toy brand.
Soon, he started reviewing adult toys on YouTube. He gained enough popularity to start an online store, and later a brick & mortar adult store called Priapus Cumfectionary.
Full Name | William Li |
Pronouns | He/Him |
Partners | Several (all genders) |
Animal companion(s) | Harvey (Great Dane) |
Relationship with Chrissy | Client |
Profession | Owner of Priapus Cumfectionary |
Age | Early thirties |
Bird Month & Zodiacs* | February; Aquarius/Geb |
Color | Red |
Head | Mini Times Toys MT-M044 Battle of Nanking (modified) |
Body | M34 TBLeague/Phicen Click here to shop |
Penis Attachments | M34/M35 TBLeague/Phicen (extra large) |