Dr. Manhattan’s Blue Dick and Butt
We’re bookending Nerdcore Friday’s first anniversary with another legendary DC character: Dr. Manhattan, the blue stud from the Watchmen series.
Dicks, Butts, & Monsters in DeathbedExtreme
When I first read Deathbed, I didn’t know what to expect. But it was such a nice surprise to see a naked guy featured prominently in the comic book, unlike that Worldtree crap.
Soooo Many Dicks, Butts, & Balls in Fables: Werewolves of the HeartlandExtreme
We featured a vampire last week, and so, following the great tradition of vampires vs. lycans, please enjoy these werewolves in all their glory.
Bethonged & Nude Gods, Dicks, & More in Wonder Woman Historia: The AmazonsExtreme
Kelly Sue DeConnick wrote an absolutely thrilling and fresh take on the birth of the Amazons leading up to the birth of one Amazon in particular.
(Uncut) Dicks, Butts, & Pansexual Orgy in Red Thorn
I wish Pink Flamingo would be brave enough to do a MAX and include full-frontal dick & guy nudity like Red Thorn, unlike chickening out like Netflix, but here we are.
Celebrating Wonder Woman Day (Tribute to George Pรฉrez)Pride
It’s fitting that one of the most enduring characters in fiction, who turns out to be queer, has her day in June, which also happens to be Pride Month.
Wonder Dude, Ameowthyst, Captain Arm-Merica, and Thor (the Dog) for National Superhero Day
When my boy classmates in primary school were talking about Superman this and Batman that, I was busy watching Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman and daydreaming I was her.
Batman’s Cock from Batman: Damned
To celebrate the opening of our Nude Men in Comic Books part of Dollsexposed and Bruce Wayne’s birthday (April 7), here’s Batman in his birthday suit.