Nerdcore Friday: Nude Guys in Comics & Cartoon Shows

Nerdcore Friday:
Nude Guys in Comics & Cartoon Shows

DISCLAIMER: Posts in this category may not be suitable for everyone. Please view them at your discretion.

We love books, but we love comics even more. Contrary to what’s been said and repeated that comic books dull the creative mind, I find them freeing.

Sometimes it’s great to let our imaginations create how a character looks like, whether or not the source material has their actual physical descriptions. Other times it’s nice to be able just to accept what’s given to us and appreciate the way that character’s drawn and the choices made by the writer, the artist, the colorist, and the editor.

Comics and cartoon shows have long been dominated by straight men, thus the objectification of women. It’s become somewhat better, but some of the classic ones still have hidden gems… And by gems we mean dicks.

We go over various comic books and cartoon shows and filter out all the violence and nude women (unless they’re in the same panel as the nude men). It’s a thankless job (you can still tip us if you can!), but we love it and we hope you’ll enjoy our finds.

New entry drops every Friday at midnight Pacific Time!

Swinging Dicks & Balls, Ample Butts, & Gay Sex in Netflix’s Gay Spy Cartoon: Q-Force

The complete (and we mean complete) nude and gay sex pics and clips from Netflix’s Q-Force.

Dicks, Butts, Balls, but Not Enough Fetish in SFSX

I know, I know. It’s not even the tenth post in the comic and cartoon dicks category and I’m already scraping the bottom of the barrel.

ValΓ©rian’s Dick, Butt, and Naked Clones from ValΓ©rian & Laureline Comic Book

I was a kid when I read ValΓ©rian & Laureline comic (translated into Indonesian). I instantly fell in love with ValΓ©rian and thought Laureline was a badass. For a while, he became my template for the ideal man: athletic with dark, full hair, and a sense of reckless confidence.

Even More Dicks in David Lapham’s Caligula: Heart of RomeExtreme 

I remember reading this one years ago before I’d even read the first one. It is disturbing, but it’s not, I don’t know, Human Centipede disturbing.

Gay Sex, Dicks, & More Depravity in David Lapham’s CaligulaExtreme 

No one alive seems to know just who Caligula was or what he truly did, and David Lapham and team took the creative license and ran with it.

All Against All Is against Clothes (and We Love It!)

I wouldn’t care for Tarzan if he weren’t nearly nude and only wearing a loin cloth.

All the Dicks in Greg Rucka/Nicola Scott’s Black Magick

Greg Rucka can almost do no wrong, which is why I’m pretty excited about Heart of Stone.

Batman’s Cock from Batman: Damned

To celebrate the opening of our Nude Men in Comic Books part of Dollsexposed and Bruce Wayne’s birthday (April 7), here’s Batman in his birthday suit.

Hey, you gorgeous thing!

Keeping this space sizzling for free isn’t easy (think: hosting costs, doll accessories, comic books, and lubeβ€”lots and lots of lube).

But we realized it’s almost impossible to keep going without your help. And we get itβ€”times are tough, so any support you can offer means the world.

If we’ve made you horny, laugh, cum, or feel something special, why not give a little love back? πŸ’–

Every donation keeps the smut (and culture) goingβ€”and trust us, at this point in our lives, we’re so grateful we're able to produce this content regularly.

Thanks. You're a doll. 😘