Nerdcore Friday: Nude Guys in Comics & Cartoon Shows

Nerdcore Friday:
Nude Guys in Comics & Cartoon Shows

DISCLAIMER: Posts in this category may not be suitable for everyone. Please view them at your discretion.

I love books, but I love comics even more. Contrary to what’s been said and repeated that comic books dull the creative mind, I find them freeing.

Sometimes it’s nice to let our imaginations create how a character looks like, whether or not the source material has their actual physical descriptions. Other times it’s nice to be able just to accept what’s given to us and appreciate the way that character’s drawn and the choices made by the writer, the artist, the colorist, and the editor.

Comics and cartoon shows have long been dominated by straight men, thus the objectification of women. It’s become somewhat better, but some of the classic ones still have hidden gems… And by gems I mean dicks.

I go over various comic books and cartoon shows and filter out all the violence and nude women (unless they’re in the same panel as the nude men). It’s a thankless job, but I love it and I hope you’ll enjoy my finds.

New entry drops every Friday at midnight Pacific Time!

Mini Nerdcore: Black Dick in Cutting Edge

Our second installment for Black History Month Nerdcore Edition is from Delcourt/Titan Comics’s Cutting Edge.

Black Dick & Devil Dick in Darkness Visible

February is Black History Month in the US, so we’re celebrating Black excellence by showcasing Black dicks (and butts) throughout the month.

A Long (Cumming) Dick in Moebius’s The Long Tomorrow

We’re ending our sci-fi January Nerdcore Friday with the work of not one but two science fiction greats: Moebius (aka Jean Giraud) and Dan O’Bannon.

Mini Nerdcore: Dick in Eternum

Continuing our sci-fi theme for January in honor of Isaac Asimov and his sick sideburns, we give you the only panel with a dick in the super-long comic book Eternum.

Twin (VR) Dicks & Butts in AvatarExtreme 

The second installment in our Nerdcore Friday Sci-Fi January edition (in honor of Isaac Asimov) is Avatar from SAF Comics.

Butts & Dick in Delcourt/Soleil’s Olympus Mons

To honor Asimov’s birthday last Tuesday, we’re dedicating the four Fridays of January 2024 to science fiction comics.

Dicks & Sexy Angels in American Jesus

December (and 2023) is coming to a close, and so we’re bringing you the final installment of our Jesus-themed nudity for Nerdcore Friday. This time, it’s from the modern world in the form of a comic called The Chosen One: The American Jesus Trilogy.

Jesus’s Dick & (Satan’s) Butt in Holy F*ck & Holy F*cked

This weekend (well, next Monday) marks Yeshua’s supposed birthday. And there’s no better way to ring in this appropriated Pagan holiday than by featuring Jesus in his birthday suit.

Dicks, Butts, & Brutal Sex in Europe Comics’ The Dream of JerusalemExtreme 

Continuing the Jesus theme for December, our second (well, third) entry puts the “graphic” in “graphic novel.”

More Dicks & Butts in The Goddamned!Extreme 

This is the second and final part of The Goddamned nerdcore post. You can get to know Cain more in, ya know, the biblical sense.

Dicks & Butts Galore in The GoddamnedExtreme 

Ah, there’s no better way to celebrate the (supposed) birth month of our (supposed) lord and savior Jesus Christ by posting naked comics that are centered around Christianity.

First American & Caucasian Dicks, Butts in Carthago Adventures

In honor of Thanksgiving weekend, we’re bringing together First American and White dicks and butts, thanks to Humanoid’s Carthago Adventures #2: “Bluff Creek.”

Gay Sex, Straight Sex, Dicks & Butts in American Gods

I gotta say, for the longest time, the only things I knew about Neil Gaiman were that he was Tori Amos’s good friend and the (fairy) godfather to Tash, Amos’s daughter.

(Straight) Dicks & Butts in FreakAngels

Well, I should’ve titled it “A Straight’s Dick & Butt in FreakAngels” because they technically belong to just one character, the one with the ability to bend the mind of non-powers.

Dicks, Butts, & Tentacle Sex in Cosmic Detective

Jeff Lemire never disappoints. Some of his work can be too reflective to the point of depressing, but this one has more comedic punches and is less nihilistic. Maybe it’s Matt Kindt’s influence?

Dicks, Butts, & Monsters in DeathbedExtreme 

When I first read Deathbed, I didn’t know what to expect. But it was such a nice surprise to see a naked guy featured prominently in the comic book, unlike that Worldtree crap.

Dad Dicks, Dad Butts, & Dad Deaths in Eat My Flesh, Drink My BloodExtreme 

Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood is a trip. I’m still on the fence about whether it’s a good trip or a bad trip.

Soooo Many Dicks, Butts, & Balls in Fables: Werewolves of the HeartlandExtreme 

We featured a vampire last week, and so, following the great tradition of vampires vs. lycans, please enjoy these werewolves in all their glory.

Dicks, Butts, Gore, & Talking Dildo in Devlin Waugh’s A Very Large SplashExtreme 

It’s October and for this month’s Nerdcore Friday, we’ll focus on magic and monsters! Starting with our very own va-va-voom vampire, Devlin Waugh.

Bethonged & Nude Gods, Dicks, & More in Wonder Woman Historia: The AmazonsExtreme 

Kelly Sue DeConnick wrote an absolutely thrilling and fresh take on the birth of the Amazons leading up to the birth of one Amazon in particular.

More Murena Dicks, Butts, & SexExtreme 

This is the second part of our Murena post. I’d wanted to post everything in one entry but decided to split them into two since there are just too many panels (yay!).

Dicks + Butts (Human & Gods) Plus More Ancient Roman Goodness in MurenaExtreme 

This is probably the most well-researched graphic novel about the Roman times in the Claudius era.

Dicks, Butts, Tortures, & Orgies in Eagles of Rome

Eagles of Rome by Europe Comics is considerably tamer than its contemporaries like Caligula one and two with their gratuitous depiction of violence and gore.

Dicks, Butts, Balls, & Fighting Men in Gloria Victis

For the whole month of September, we’ll revisit ancient Rome, the historical fiction kind, through a series of comics.

Gay Sex, Dicks, Butts, & Violence in Image Comics’ SaintsExtreme 

I always thought my six years in an all-boys Catholic school made me fall in love with the Christian myth and iconography, but maybe it’d already been cultivated way before that.

(Uncut) Dicks, Butts, & Pansexual Orgy in Red Thorn

I wish Pink Flamingo would be brave enough to do a MAX and include full-frontal dick & guy nudity like Red Thorn, unlike chickening out like Netflix, but here we are.

Dicks, Butts, & Tight Uniforms in Dark Horse’s Order & Outrage

The first volume (four book) of Order & Outrage is a blast, all puns intended.

Dicks, Butts, Bondage & Tree Hugs in Humanoid’s BrambleExtreme 

As someone who dabbles in armchair eco-terrorism, it warms my cold, dark, black heart every time I read stories about nature fighting back against humans.

(Almost) Dicks & Bondage in Cinebook’s Wisher

For a comic book that shows naked feminine-presenting fairies in the cover of its first book, Wisher seems to almost be hell-bent on showcasing nude men.

Stephen Colbert’s Hairy Pecs, Abs, & Ass in Tek Jansen

To continue our comic-version-of-real-people theme from last week’s Airboy, here’s comic version Stephen Colbert (almost) naked.

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