Summer’s just getting started and I’m already wishing for colder days. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) a cold sun isn’t in our near future yet.

But the comic Cold Sun is!

Anyway, let’s move on from that terrible segue, shall we?

The blurb:

A man advances in the Alpine valleys, accompanied by an L2S carrying robot. He seeks refuge, far from the lowlands infested by a deadly virus. Jan has no illusions: three-quarters of the human population was lost to the epidemic.

What remains are a few isolated outbreaks and a wild hope, almost a legend… That of a laboratory which would have found a cure for the new plague…

Original title: Soleil Froid
Writer: Jean-Pierre Pécau
Artist: Damien
Publisher: Delcourt (French/2016)

Dollsexposed showcases queer erotica, kink, fetish, and activism through twelve-inch doll photography. Their adventures in the doll world began in 2011 before establishing a home on eleven years later.

Dollsexposed's works have been displayed at Seattle Erotic Art Festival and Los Angeles Leather Getaway.

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