WARNING: Actual comic contains extreme graphic violence that includes death and gore as well as depictions of sex with minors and bestiality


I mean… The real story of the real Caligula is lost in the annals of history. Some historians have suggested he wasn’t that bad, that the terrible things that were said to have been his doing were just part of a smear campaign that took root and became history.

No one alive seems to know just who Caligula was or what he truly did, and David Lapham and team took the creative license and ran with it.

Promo blurb:

In an age of depravity, one man’s appetites horrified the entire Roman Empire… the mad emperor, Caligula.

When his family was brutally slaughtered by Caligula and his court, Junius travels to Rome to avenge their deaths, but discovers that the emperor cannot be killed, no matter how bloody the wound! Renamed Felix and admitted into Caligula’s court as a pet, confidante, lover, and biographer, the young man witnesses the worst depravity and brutality that the ancient world has to offer: virgin blood ceremonies, rigged gladiator fights, and dinner parties where guests are randomly slaughtered. Can Felix maintain his sanity in the face of so much horror and discover the secret behind Caligula’s mysterious supernatural power over life and death? The modern master of horror, David Lapham (Crossed Vol. 2: Family Values, Stray Bullets), joins talented painter German Nobile in a descent into the darkest corners of Rome’s history.

Honestly, this blurb sounds really tame compared to the graphic madness unleashed in the six-book run. We’re talking about things from strangulation and flagellation to mutilation and disembowelment. Sometimes the art looks fine (depending on that book’s artist), sometimes it looks disjointed, which adds to the creepiness of the story.

I waded through the muck and filth of extreme violence and pedophilia in Caligula to bring you dicks and gay sex.

Caligula is a limited series (six books) and was published in 2011 and 2012. Full credits:

Writer: David Lapham
Artist: German Nobile
Cover artist: Jacen Burrows
Publisher: Avatar Press

FINAL WARNING: Excerpts shown in this post have been somewhat cleaned up from gore. Dollsexposed.com will never publish any sexual activities with minors.

Dollsexposed showcases queer erotica, kink, fetish, and activism through twelve-inch doll photography. Their adventures in the doll world began in 2011 before establishing a home on dollsexposed.com eleven years later.

Dollsexposed's works have been displayed at Seattle Erotic Art Festival and Los Angeles Leather Getaway.

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