Greg Rucka can almost do no wrong, which is why I’m pretty excited about Heart of Stone. It’s based on a screenplay by Rucka and Allison Schroeder and a story by Rucka. Plus, it has Gal Gadot (and this time without Ryan Reynolds). (EDIT: I LOVED HEART OF STONE!)

And then there’s Nicola fucking Scott. There’s something obviously wrong with Scott.

When I was taking writing classes, I read Joan Didion and thought, oh this is it. Didion’s the shit. Why even bother trying to write when I know Didion’s already done it and nothing I do will ever be as good as her first draft on her most unmotivated day.

I can’t draw even to save my life, but if I went to school to become a painter or an artist, Scott would be my Didion. Yes, there’s something obviously wrong with Scott. She’s gorgeous and talented? Didion was also gorgeous and talented. Fucking unfair.

But I digress.

Black Magick first came out in 2019. It was created by Rucka and Scott. Full credits:

Writer: Greg Rucka
Artist: Nicola Scott
Letterer: Jodi Wynne
Color Assists: Chiara Arena
Book & Logo Designer: Eric Trautmann
Editor: Alejandro Arbona
Publisher: Image Comics

The story can be stereotypical and clichéd at times, but it has good pacing that kept me engaged. And the art? Chef’s kiss.

I heard we were supposed to get thirty books, but number sixteen came out in 2021 and none since then. I know Rucka and Scott are up to their pits with book deals and movie deals but I hope we get more Black Magick soon.

Anyway, here are the dicks and the butts so far (please excuse the womenfolk).

Dollsexposed showcases queer erotica, kink, fetish, and activism through twelve-inch doll photography. Their adventures in the doll world began in 2011 before establishing a home on eleven years later.

Dollsexposed's works have been displayed at Seattle Erotic Art Festival and Los Angeles Leather Getaway.

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