WARNING: Crude language and D/s.

Before Chrissy met Wade and his dog Thor, and before Chrissy met Matt, there was Leon Kennedy.

This shoot was done in 2017 and I uploaded the images to Flickr, back when Flickr was still safe for NSFW content.

Back then, Chrissy still had his molded hair which I painted pink and he had too much make-up on. I tried taking off the make-up with acetone but it ended up destroying the head (it was a Hot Toys original too).

When I opened my Instagram in June 2022, I decided to post the images there plus a reel for a little something extra to celebrate Flashback Friday and National Grab Some Nuts Day (yes, it exists, look it up).

Here’s the rest of the images and the uncensored video for your enjoyment.

Also, I wonder if I should apply heavier make-up to the current Chrissy head to make him look even faggier.

One of these days, I’m going to put Leon in a storyline and give him a closure.

Dollsexposed showcases queer erotica, kink, fetish, and activism through twelve-inch doll photography. Their adventures in the doll world began in 2011 before establishing a home on dollsexposed.com eleven years later.

Dollsexposed's works have been displayed at Seattle Erotic Art Festival and Los Angeles Leather Getaway.

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